Molts ens pregunten que té el format 1,5L que el fa diferent del habitual 750ml. Es un envàs que se’n fabriquen menys ampolles i al ser un embotellat especial, el seu cost es una mica més elevat que dues ampolles, però cada vegada els Màgnum estan sent més apreciats pel consumidor. A continuació us donem […]
Category Archives: Productos
The crown jewel in the family, extra virgin olive oil Primum Oleum, is made piece by piece with the highest quality Arbequina variety oil of the early harvest.
Made in our stone mill, these 100% Arbequina variety oils are a clear example of tradition and long experience in the production of extra virgin olive oil.
La Llena 2016 is a magnificent Collection wine with intense color, expressive aroma with spicy and balsamic notes. A sweet, full-bodied red wine.
If you have ever navigated through our online store, you would have been able to check the wide range of infused products that we have. They are perfect for finishing dishes as they can provide a differentiated touch to any recipe.
Unfiltered Extra Virgin Olive Oil is so unique, it has the same organoleptic qualities as filtered oil but with a much more intense flavor, slightly peppery and a higher density in appearance.
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