Category Archives: Blog

JANIROC extra virgin olive oils, and the reason for its uniqueness, innovation and authenticity at a global level.

Eduard Pons, our CEO and the fourth generation of the Pons family, comments on the uniqueness, innovation and authenticity of the new JANIROC family of extra virgin olive oils, the result of 20 years of research into more than 200 varieties from all over the world, cultivated on the Pons family estates in L’Albagés.

Vintage 2021, with good forecasts in terms of volume and quality

At Clos Pons winery we are in the middle of the harvest season and the harvest forecasts for this vintage are better than last year. Vintage started the last week of August with the Albariño variety, with which we produce our white wine Sisquella, as it was the one that came earlier this year. This […]

PONS invests in new olive varieties in l’Albagés

El 2021 serà l’any de culminació d’un projecte d’investigació varietal que la família Pons ha dut a terme durant aquests últims gairebé 20 anys en el Jardí Varietal. Aquesta última setmana s’ha iniciat amb la plantada d’olivera en intensiu de la varietat Koroneiki, una varietat grega que s’adapta molt bé al territori.

CLOS PONS red wines – Roc Nu

We continue with the special on red wines talking about the serving temperature of the reds. In many cases we have heard that red wines can be taken at room temperature, which is a totally false statement and leads to the mistake of thinking that red wine should not be refrigerated. Red wines need to have the right temperature to balance alcohol, acidity and astringency, as well as to be able to obtain the aromas and nuances in the mouth that red wine offers us.

CLOS PONS red wines– Alges

Clos Pons winery has vineyards spread between L’Albagès and La Pobla de Cérvoles, between about 500 and 700 meters high and next to the Serra de la Llena, which separates the coastal land with the interior. This separation makes the climate extreme, with a very high temperature in summer but with cold nights and a cold and humid winter. In addition, the soil on which the vineyard is located is clay-limestone, poor in organic matter, which gives the wines a remarkable concentration and minerality, balanced with the acidity and woody notes of these wines.

CLOS PONS red wines – Jan Petit

During winter time and with cold weather, we like to prepare dishes with a higher caloric load and in accordance with the temperature, such as stews, meats, soups or creams. This type of cuisine pairs exellently well with red wine, since, in adition, the tannins provided by this type of wine help dissolve the fat in the food throughout the digestive process.