Category Archives: Noticias

Countdown to PONS New Mill

The new PONS mill is almost a reality, and has been the result of a design and construction process that has lasted almost 4 years in its different phases, from the decision of its location, through an extensive analysis of product and process needs, to finally its technological design and construction. The new facility is […]

PONS FOOD FESTIVAL, an unforgettable night!!

And the PONS FOOD Festival returned with all its magic and PONS DNA, from L’Albagés, the CELLER CLOS PONS, surrounded by an idyllic and ancestral environment, bathed in vineyards and olive groves, became a festive atmosphere in style; a gastronomic event with pairings and gastronomic fusion of oils and wines within a spectacular and unique […]

From the traditional to the superintensive Olive Grove

I still remember the words of my grandfather Joan, a native of Arbeca, the birthplace of the Arbequina olive, who used to explain to me on hot summer nights on our family farm: “One day water will come to our drylands and on that day the world of olive oil will be very prosperous”. I […]

PONS invests in new olive varieties in l’Albagés

El 2021 serà l’any de culminació d’un projecte d’investigació varietal que la família Pons ha dut a terme durant aquests últims gairebé 20 anys en el Jardí Varietal. Aquesta última setmana s’ha iniciat amb la plantada d’olivera en intensiu de la varietat Koroneiki, una varietat grega que s’adapta molt bé al territori.