Author Archives: Ignacio Sanchez

PONS expands its varietal garden with 65 native Catalan varieties

The PONS Varietal Garden, located in L’Albagés, in the heart of Lleida, is a treasure trove of olive biodiversity. Recently, PONS has taken an important step by incorporating 65 new native Catalan varieties to its collection. These varieties, recovered from 17 different regions of the Catalan territory, include many that have no agricultural precedents and […]

How to control the acidity of wines in extreme climates

The main consequence of high temperatures is the loss of acidity and the increase in the sugar level in the berries of the grapes, with the consequent increase in the alcoholic level in the final wine. While the second consequence is more or less manageable from the date of harvest and good irrigation management, if […]

It’s Time for Olive Fruit Inflorescence at PONS

Also known as olive tree flowering, this captivating process usually takes place between May and June. Currently, it’s occurring in the PONS estates when the daily average temperature surpasses 18°C. However, this period can vary depending on climate conditions and the specific cultivation zone. Olive flowers emerge from the previous year’s buds. To be productive, […]

JANIROC Lecciana Organic, an oil with great personality.

In the world of extra virgin olive oil, JANIROC Lecciana Organic emerges as a culinary gem and a novelty in the sector, paying tribute to the tradition, innovation, and quality that have defined the Pons family for generations. This exquisite extra virgin olive oil, a tribute to the fifth generation of Pons, represents not only […]

Éxito Solidario en la Quinta Marcha entre Viñas y Olivares en el territorio de CLOS PONS

Hoy domingo, en el territorio de CLOS PONS, se ha llevado a cabo la quinta edición de la Marcha entre Viñas y Olivares. Un evento solidario que ha superado todas las expectativas, reuniendo a más de 400 entusiastas participantes en apoyo a la lucha contra el cáncer en Lleida. Bajo el cálido sol de abril, […]

Sustainable Practices in Pest and Disease Prevention in the CLOS PONS Vineyard: A Comprehensive Strategy

In the world of viticulture, sustainable management has become a priority. Sustainable agriculture not only aims to protect the environment but also to maintain crop health and ensure product quality. In the specific case of the CLOS PONS vineyard, located in a privileged environment in the heart of Catalonia, Spain, an innovative approach has been […]

We have begun manual pruning of the super-intensive olive tree

At PONS we have begun super-intensive 🌿 manual pruning of the olive tree on our farms in L’Albages, this manual process is essential to guarantee the excellence of our oil. The TRAINING pruning of our KORONEIKI variety has begun, it is time to form and above all give light and air, the LECCIANA and ARBEQUINA […]

This distinction aims to give visibility to the contribution that PONS makes to build a better society. The proposal for recognition has been received through the Leridan Association of Down Syndrome. Precisely, one of the priorities of the Paeria is to promote and manage complicity between entities and the economic and entrepreneurial fabric to provide […]

The reason for the Green roofs in the olive grove

The complexity and stability of agrarian systems is based on their diversity, made up of living elements and structures, as well as their actions and interactions. It is not only about the number of different elements, but also about their proportion, how they are ordered and how they relate to each other. A fertile soil […]

Extra Virgin Olive Oil · Organic ·

Rich in nutrients, completely natural and eco-friendly In the mills, mechanical procedures or physical means are used in specially controlled conditions, which do not alter the oil. Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is made from olives from organic farming that are healthy and at their optimum ripeness point. We can define organic farming as […]