Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, rich in nutrients, always respecting the environment

Let us discover the nutritional and environmental qualities that our Organic OVE brings us, an oil made from organic, healthy agriculture olives and at their optimum maturation point.

Organic farming can be defined as a system of agricultural production that is characterised by being fed only on the natural resources at its disposal, the purpose of which is to obtain totally organic products.

  • Natural process: the cultivation of this oil follows a process of little cultivation and away from external elements, which causes this product to preserve its primary composition. Organic products naturally mature and accumulate nutrients. It is one hundred per cent olive juice and therefore retains all the qualities of this fruit.
  • Pure Sabor: by preserving intact all the properties of the fruit, it brings greater intensity in its aromatic flavor.
  • Beneficious to our organism: it is free from pesticides and other chemicals, harmful agents to our organism.
  • Respecting the environment: the ecological cultivation of olives, like any other ecological product, follows procedures for the exploitation of natural resources, so that there is the slightest environmental impact, thereby maintaining the balance in our natural environment.
  • Guaranteed traceability: the production of any food has traceability, but if we also add the strict controls that organic farming maintains, we are dealing with a product of guaranteed traceability.
    Certified quality: the logo you find on the label is the one that guarantees that the product you buy is ecological.

Synthetic products, such as pesticides, herbicides and artificial fertilisers, are avoided, thereby obtaining completely natural organic products while preserving the fertility of the land and respecting the environment. All this in a sustainable and balanced way.

Apart  than ours Oli Orgànic de Selecció Familiar, you can also find our store Orgànic Arbequina Reserva, It was made with Arbequin olives our certified farm of ecological cultivation and mills in our Albagés mill.

SelecciĂł Familiar OrgĂ nic 500 Ml
Reserva Arbequina OrgĂ nic 500 Ml