Sensations in CLOS PONS territory

An immersive experience not to be missed.
At Clos Pons we know that visiting a winery and its territory is not the same as feeling it, which is why we offer you the experience “Sensations of the CLOS PONS territory”, an interactive tour that invites you to exercise your senses and store in your memory the wide range of sensations that we perceive when enjoying the surroundings, a glass of wine and the delicacies that our Chef will cook for us.
With five areas, one for each sense, the visual area allows us to appreciate the spectacular beauty and history of the surroundings of CLOS PONS, from the viewpoint, a reflection of the valley of vineyards, passing through its farmhouses to its emblematic cave, learning the secrets it holds, and ending on the terrace of the winery, where we will appreciate a spectacular starry sky.
In the olfactory area we invite you to guess the characteristic aromas of the wine through a game of smell and sight, accompanied by the tapas chosen by our Chef to enhance the experience.
In the tactile area we will find the vine, the olive tree, the earth and even the feel of the barrels.
In the auditory area, we will enjoy both the silence and the sound of the inhabitants of CLOS PONS.
Sensations that we will perceive through our senses and that we will later keep as lived experiences, a gift for our memory and company.
SIGHT: Mirador: Jan Rose tasting with smoked sardine torradeta.
AROMA: Mas de Safra: Tasting of Sisquella with creamy rice and crispy saffron.
TOUCH: Mas Pons: Tasting of Alges with Steak tartare.
HEAR: La Cueva: Tasting of Plan del Tet/Aura with Betizarrana raw sheep’s milk and soft Bufala cheeses.
TASTE: Winery: Tasting of Cava Copos and wines with fruit or cream coke.
The price of the activity is 20,00€ per person.
Limited places.
Time: 17th June from 18:30 to 22:30.
The location of this event is free of architectural barriers and suitable for people with reduced mobility.
Pets are not allowed.
The price of the workshop is 20,00€ per person.


Jun 17 2023


6:30 pm - 10:30 pm




L’Albagés (Lleida)
QR Code