The Smarttree will be implemented in the new PONS Olive Grove: An Innovative Cultivation Model

This innovative cultivation model will be implemented in the next PONS plantations. We will start in June of this year with a new Lecciana plantation of about 32 hectares on our Castelldans farms.

The Smarttree is a revolutionary approach to olive cultivation that combines high productivity, efficiency and sustainability. Here are the key aspects:

Hedge Planting with Smarttree Plants:

Instead of traditional olive groves with scattered trees, the Smarttree is based on a hedge planting.
This means that plants are placed in dense, uniform rows, allowing for full mechanization from the start of planting.
Simplifying the support structure reduces the initial investment and facilitates mechanized harvesting.

High Planting Density:

The planting frames are narrower, with distances between plants of 1.75m.
This results in plantation densities greater than 1,400 arb/ha.
High density allows for greater production per unit area.

Early Entry into Production:

From the third year of planting, the Smarttree already produces fruit.
In warm areas and with good management, significant production can be achieved in a short time.

Mechanized Collection:

The harvest is carried out with specific machines, which guarantees an efficient harvest and fruits in optimal conditions.
This solves the problems of availability and labor costs.

Oil Quality:

The hedgerow olive grove with Smarttree produces high quality extra virgin olive oil. Rapid harvesting and processing help maintain the freshness and properties of the oil.

Implementation on PONS Farms.

By implementing the Smarttree, PONS can optimize its productions and reduce the challenges associated with labor and initial investment. Furthermore, being involved in innovation in the primary sector is a valuable step towards agricultural sustainability.

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